Spring is Singing!
Posted by Beth Lischeron on
Here in Cowichan, when the frogs start to sing at night we know spring's really coming. And usually, our spring events are right around the corner!
• Cobble Hill Seedy Saturday March 12th, 10.00 - 3.00
The sixteenth annual Cobble Hill Seedy Saturday invites you to help us celebrate our '100 Mile Spring' with everything a gardener could need - or want! Over 30 vendors will offer a full range of organic and heritage seeds, plant starts, flower bulbs, fruit and nut trees - and mason bees to fertilize them - compost, Japanese pruning ladders and even organic salves and mineral soaks for sore gardeners' bods!
The most obscure and esoteric plant questions can always be answered by our knowledgeable Master Gardeners, while the permaculture people have all kinds of ideas about how you can make your garden more sustainable and interesting. Everyone is always itching to share their plant lore, and Mums and Dads can unleash the kids on the the childrens' activities while they visit with friends, bring their own seeds to swop at the seed exchange table (or buy a pack for a mere quarter!), and load up those cloth bags with wee envelopes of summer's garden joy.
We are open from 10 am until 3.00, so you can enjoy a delicious light lunch or snack, care of our own Womens' Institute, and soak up enough inspiration to propel you into the garden. This extremely popular community event is sponsored by the Shawnigan Cobble Hill Farmers Institute, which celebrated its 100th anniversary a few years ago and continues to blossom from deep roots in our bucolic and authentic south Cowichan agricultural tradition.
Date: Saturday, March 12th 2016, 10 am - 3 pm
Location: Cobble Hill Farmer’s Institute Hall, 3550 Watson Avenue, Cobble Hill Village
For more information: Facebook.com/Cobble-Hill-Seedy-Saturday
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