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Dragonfly Gets a New Outfit!

Posted by Beth Lischeron on

You might have been noticing a subtle change in the Dragonfly Dreaming 'look' recently ... after 20+2 years making organic natural body care products we thought we deserved a new outfit! Along with our new label style, an upcoming broad sweep of the web site and whole new social media world? Oh MY!  

Ms. Kate is now our Social Media / Style / Marketing Director, and the driving force behind the new look ('mini-boho' I'm told);  I hope you like it as much as we do! We spent August completely revamping our studio and here are a few snaps to share... 

A hint of Pumpkin Spice Skin Sorbet - this Autumn's Theme Scent - with soap waiting to be wrapped to match! (I'm told that succulents are 'utterly boho', ergo Mama Jade)... to order, CLICK HERE ... 

Brand new Beard Balms & Beard Oils for the guys, coming soon on site! 

We hope you can make it to Cobble Hill in person to really get the vibe! To paraphrase dear Dave and the Vinyl Cafe, we may be small but we're big... 

Open House this weekend? I think we can do it! 10 - 3 pm, 3616 Garland Ave in Cobble Hill Village call 250-743-8036 for more info ~ 


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