Scent Journey Workshops
Posted by Beth Lischeron on
Back by popular demand, Dragonfly Dreaming Organics will hold a series of Scent Journey and Essential Oil workshops in the spring of 2018. Spaces will be LIMITED to ensure enjoyable 'hands-on' time for all.
The Scent Journey was developed by Beth Lischeron as a method of exploring scent through essential oils and the emotions and reactions they cause in us. First introduced in 1998 with a group of Horticultural Therapists from Japan, the experience has been said to be 'life changing' by participants.
We learn about our amazing ability to smell - it's NOT what you think! - and the fun begins as we connect with unidentified essential oils, our reactions to them and what that might indicate in terms of our state of well-being. In the final phase, participants meet privately with Beth to co-create their OWN 'signature tune' Tera•Par•Fume, in what has always been an intensely creative (and sometimes life changing) experience.
The fee includes individualized Tera•Par•Fume in a 10 mL roller bottle; we will hold your formula on file and can reproduce it for you in YOUR bespoke body lotion, body gel wash and solid perfume as you wish!
Participants are also able to purchase Dragonfly Dreaming Essential Oils at a 10% discount during the workshop.
* Dates: Sundays May 6th & 27th from noon till 4 pm
* Location: Dragonfly Dreaming Organics, Cobble Hill Village
* Cost: $80 including taxes.
Beth Lischeron is the founding director of Dragonfly Dreaming Organics which was established in 1996. She has been working with essential oils for the past 3 decades, has created countless blends, many of which are therapeutic perfumes - 'perfume with a purpose' - which she calls Tera•Par•Fume. Beth has been distilling essential oils at her studio gardens in Cobble Hill for the past 15 years, and was the originator of the Cowichan Lavender Initiative and Cowichan Lavender Festivals.
Distilling workshops will again by held this summer as the plants and weather permit. Please reserve your space early. Email us at to join the 'first dibs list' club!
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